October is a month full of intentional awareness. One of the important topics recognized is Emotional Wellness. This is about the maintenance of our mental health! It encourages individuals to focus on self-care, manage stress, build resilience, and practice mindfulness.
Emotions are messengers! They are an integral part of our human experience. Unfortunately we often suppress them or push them aside. By taking time each day to check in with ourselves, we create space to explore, understand, and validate our emotional landscape.
Why Emotions and Sensations Matter
Emotions don’t just exist in our minds—they live in our bodies. Which means emotional regulation begins in the body!v When we experience emotions, they come with physical sensations, such as tension, warmth, or even restlessness. By learning to connect these sensations with our emotions, we become more aware of what’s happening internally, giving us the opportunity to respond to our experiences in healthier, more compassionate ways.
Emotional wellness involves understanding, expressing, and managing feelings in a healthy way, and it plays a crucial role in overall health.
Here are a few ways to build emotional wellness:
Self-reflection: Check in with yourself daily, journal your emotions and thoughts. Be curious about is happening inside!
Mindfulness practices: Create a mindfulness practice or begin meditation exercises to help manage stress and increase self-awareness.
Healthy relationships: Build and invest in nurturing supportive and positive connections with others.
Boundaries: Practice setting healthy emotional boundaries and learn to say no when needed.
Seeking support: We go to the doctor when our physical body is giving us symptoms… Sometimes, reaching out for professional help, like therapy, when emotional overwhelm becomes too much is crucial.
Remember, emotional wellness is not about striving for constant calm, but about building the resilience to face life’s highs and lows with grace and self-compassion. Embrace the full range of your emotions, knowing that with practice, you can navigate them in a way that nurtures both your mental and emotional health!